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Fun Facts

Fun Facts

That elusive impulse purchase, but why should be surprised with the wall of beer taps beckoning their call.  Then again, maybe a simple comment or notion from the barstaff with or without prop could entice them into an indulgence that will convince them that this is their ‘Spot’ to call their own. 

  • It takes on average 10 cranberries to make 1 oz of cranberry juice.  A Cosmo would have 20 cranberries and Vodka and Cran. forty. 

  • Americans consume some 400 millions pounds of cranberries a year – close to 80 million of those pounds during Thanksgiving week.

  • If you strung together all the cranberries produced in North America they’d stretch from Boston to Los Angeles more than 565 times.

  • Sailors used cranberries as a source of vitamin C to prevent scurvy.

  • Cranberries weren’t always cranberries.  For Eastern Indians, they were "sassamanesh.” Cape Cod Pequots and South Jersey Leni-Lenape tribes called them "ibimi," or bitter berry. And the Algonquins of Wisconsin dubbed the fruit "atoqua.” But it was the early German and Dutch settlers who started calling it the "crane berry” because of the flower’s resemblance to the head and bill of a crane. And finally, that was the name that stuck.

  • It was Native Americans who first took advantage of cranberries. They mixed deer meat and mashed cranberries to make pemmicana-survival food. They also believed in the medicinal value of cranberries--long before science discovered cranberry's health benefits! Medicine men would use cranberries in poultices to draw poison from arrow wounds.

  • During World War II, American troops required about one million pounds of dehydrated cranberries a year.

  • Legend has it that Pilgrims served cranberries at the first Thanksgiving in Plymouth, MA, along with wild turkey and succotash.