n this section, you will find some ‘Quick Tips’ to help refine your beverage offerings. We will also be opening up a section called, ‘Ask the Expert’ which will enable you to pose come of the nagging questions you may have.
Trigger impulsive spending by working on Menu Design, Server Engagement and Special Promotions focusing on Desserts, Appetizers and Beverages that bolster the Dining Experience and average eater check
Fill martini glasses with ice and place them on the bar. Once the patron asks the barstaff what they are for, they simply say …“I’m just chilling your glass for this hot new cocktail you just have to try.”
Consumers who are concerned about personal finances are obviously limiting Full Service Restaurants [FSR] traffic potential. Visitors who report increased visit frequency appear to be motivated by menu quality and innovation and the offer of a complete dining experience that can’t be had at home.
To retain FSR customers, and especially the valuable Heavy Frequency FSR Customers, FSR’s should focus less on attempting to blur lines between QSR and FSR pricing and quality and instead focus on delivering higher quality goods and menu development, which ultimately delivers a better dining experience.
Menu descriptions should be enticing (42%) and include beauty shots (30%). The items should be presented in a manner that suggests they cannot be easily made at home (38%).
Overall, menu design appears to have a greater influence on females while 18-34 year old customers are especially influenced by appetizing images of the food.
Branded products are equated with better quality - The vast majority of FSR Customers (74%) expect FSR restaurants to offer branded products, which they associate with better taste (61%) and higher quality (61%).
The ‘Top 10’ cocktails have not changed very much over the years.
The Licensee will need to focus on the ‘Top 10’ to grow their revenues
Licensees who create their own ‘Signature’ Version of these cocktails will earn more profit and create a unique experience for their patrons.